on my knees.... wobbly though.

7 mths old. outing at perdana condo.
meal time... messy business.
upside down...
cozy time with mum. mum says it's 'goh moi' time.
blowing bubbles... grandma always says that it is going to rain when i do that. it will always rain....
time for 'kai-kai'. i'm ready....
computers.... soooo cooooollllll
bath time.
AARRRGGHHHH!!!!! i still have that cock-eye look.
someone's making me laugh again... easy feat.
did i swallow something sour? or just me being cute? mum says cuteness wins hands down.
SPLAT... wide open.
me with my 'couch potato' buddy.
mum and me, in the park on the swing.
fun time.
after my bath session... can't wait to roll over. mum must be praying i don't wee on her bed.
'sweet pea' outfit.... won't be able to fit in it for much longer.
bubbles... YAY!
hanging out with 'dad-dad'
check out my long lashes.
6 mths old now. HELP!!! stop tickling me!!!!