Wednesday, February 08, 2006

mum and me.

i'm growing taller each day... can compare my height with the couch.

my beach ball... but NO BEACH???

gimme five

see my face. it's a constant work in progress, construction site. i'm constantly mutilating myself.

on my toy.. my 1st x-mas present from mum and dad.

i'm having fun.

'mum! let me parade naked for a while. i won't catch a cold'

getting ready for my bath. i must be the skinniest sumo wrestler around.

'mum, sing me a song'

don't i look like a big boy in this grown up shirt?

YAY! my favourite blocks again.

dad-dad is home.

YAY! cruising ... way to go.

10 mths old. having a ball with blocks.