my friend nicholas and me.

can we go now? kai-kai?

YAY! play time again.


just woke up... explains my 'stoned' look.

play school day... swimming with 'boh boh'...

too late... i've decided to have it anyway.

mum... i'm still hungry.. you think i can have this?

mum... look at me.... u think i can swallow this?

mum... see what i have in my mouth....
she's sure to freak out... never fails to entertain me.
mum, i'm helping you decorate the cabinet top as well.

now u don't.

now you see it.........

what new contraption is this? looks like i'll be stuck here.

a bath tub in the sitting room? 'row row row your boat...'

she took it away from me.... boooo hoooo hoooo..
how's my fake cry and crocodile tears??? SOOO REAL....but i don't seem to be getting my way.
she close the lid. why why why????

13 mths old. having a go with mum's thinkpad. check out my height with the couch. i've grown taller again.
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